Body Set Point

Body Set Point

Body Set Point, BMI - Do They Really Matter? The Answer is Yes.

Weight Loss is a Mind-Body Thing. And Yes, It Matters.

Weight. There is probably no one single health topic that causes more anguish, more anxiety, or more frustration to a large portion of the adult American public. And, America has a weight problem. Obesity and being overweight is an epidemic that affects 80% of our population  with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver and kidney disease, and other serious and often debilitating health problems. At Zenbod, we felt we had a medical and moral responsibility to do something about it. 

Weight is also very often an emotional, psychological challenge. Many people struggle with weight loss and have tried everything they could find or afford.  They have made sacrifice after sacrifice in lifestyle, what they can eat, sleep lost to go exercise, you name it. Many of them have been hearing comments about their weight since childhood. And for the vast majority of them, sustained weight loss have never been achieved. At Zenbod, our success rate speaks for itself. 92% of our members state that it is the most successful program they have ever used for weight loss. 90% say the program is easy to follow and not restrictive. They have their lives back!  And 82% report that their eating habits have improved, not because of restrictive diets or inedible meal plans, but due to the direct result of the GLP-1 medications helping their body and mind make healthier intuitive choices. 

All medical evidence suggests that weight loss has marked benefits including but not limited to reduced cardiovascular risk, improved blood pressure, decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, improved Hemoglobin A1C (hemoglobin A1C, a measure of average glucose over time and a strong indicator of diabetic conditions) and improved cholesterol. These health benefits are most often accompanied by improved mood and confidence and renewed self-esteem by reaching and keeping your weight loss goals.

Are You Eligible to Participate in Zenbod?

At this time Zenbod is available to individuals for whom the following apply:

  • If you are overweight or obese (a Body Mass Index of >25% or greater). We have one of the lowest starting point BMI indexes in the industry that allows participation in a medication assisted weight loss program
  • You are between 18 and 64 years of age
  • You are not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You live in the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, or District of Columbia
  • You do not have the following medical issues:
  • An active substance abuse problem Delete
  • Active eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia Keep 
  • Type-1 DiabetesKeep 
  • Active cancer of any form (what about in remission?) Delete
  • Recent bariatric surgery (within last 18 months) 
  • Active gallbladder disease Keep
  • A history of pancreatitis Keep
  • Your own or family history of medullary thyroid cancer or Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN Syndrome)Keep

Your initial consultation with a Zenbod provider will include a detailed set of questions regarding your and your family’s health history. Your health’s safety is our top concern, and we will tell you up front if we feel you are a good candidate for Zenbod or not, based on the medical information we receive through your eligibility questionnaire and detailed intake consultation. 

Please note we follow HIPAA compliance very closely. If you are a guardian of someone 18-64 years of age that could benefit from Zenbod’s program, we can discuss the program with you upon receipt of appropriate legal or court paperwork showing your legal guardianship.

What is BMI and Why Do I Keep Hearing About it?

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a percentage or ratio measure of a person’s body fat based on height and weight. It applies to adult men and women only, and does not account for other factors such as age, body shape, heredity, exercise practices, lean muscle mass, or where you have fat distribution on your body. BMI is a screening component to assess relative health and potential for health issues to arise.

Medical research over time has given doctors a good idea of how a BMI above or below a certain number can affect other issues, such as cardiovascular problems and the potential for developing diabetes. A BMI of 25.0 – 29.9 is considered overweight. 30.0-34.9 is medically labeled as obese, and >35.0 is extremely obese. Anyone with a BMI index >25.0 should be eligible for GLP–1 medication, other medical issues as listed above considered. The lowering of BMI through safe weight loss lowers cardiovascular risk, and usually lowers A1C, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other critical health indicators. 

Zenbod’s weight loss compounded medications include Semaglutide, a significant GLP-1 prescription medication. There is a large body of evidence that Semaglutide results in significant and sustained weight loss, decreases insulin resistance, improves body metabolism, and decreases inflammatory cascade caused by insulin resistance and obesity. Medical data shows that GLP-1 medications are a game changer in weight loss.

Your Body’s Set Point Is In the Driver’s Seat

Body set point is the weight your body tries protect and maintain. That does not mean it is the healthiest weight for you, however. The set point is why we regain weight after failing at lifestyle modification. GLP-1 injectable medications hack the human biology and modify the body’s chemistry and neurological systems to help the body “forget” how it has gotten used to being overweight, and tells it to let a new, lower weight become the new body set point. This reprogramming gives your body a new, lower weight that it adjusts to and “sees” as normal, resulting in weight loss that the body literally helps keep off. For example, in the ranges achieved by 92% of our members over 2 years of being in the program, the following are expected ranges for a new body set point:

Starting weight to 10% – 25% weight loss –

  • 250 lbs (25-63 lbs of weight loss) 
    • New weight set-point between 225 lbs -187 lbs
  • 225 lbs (23-56 lbs of weight loss) 
    • New weight set-point between 202 lbs -169 lbs
  • 200 lbs (20-50 lbs of weight loss) 
    • New weight set-point between 180 lbs -150 lbs
  • 175 lbs (18-44 lbs of weight loss) 
    • New weight set-point between 157 lbs -131 lbs
  • 150 lbs (15-38 lbs of weight loss) 
    • New weight set-point between 135 lbs -112 lbs

Become a Zenbod Member Now

If you are tired of ineffective meal plans, yo-yo diets, medications that do not work or cause serious side effects, or simply are tired of being told you need to work harder to lose weight, then join Zenbod. Our trained, experienced medical professionals are here to help you achieve healthy weight loss that is safe, easy, and painless. We know that weight loss is a personal decision, and every part of your experience with Zenbod will be handled with the utmost discretion and privacy. If you are ready to really lose weight and keep it off, schedule your free consultation now. We want to see you healthy and happy, losing weight, and keeping it off the Zenbod way.